Pleasantville Showroom
10 E Black Horse Pike, Pleasantville, NJ 08232, USA
(609) 641-1044
Avalon Design Center
2778 Dune Dr A, Avalon, NJ 08202, USA
(609) 796-5551

Discover Luxury Home & Kitchen Appliances

As a leading home & kitchen appliance retailer located in Pleasantville, NJ , we take pride in offering an exceptional selection of top-rated home appliances at unbeatable prices. Explore our curated collection of luxury brand-name appliances, complete with affordable rebates, interest-free financing, and local delivery, install and haul-away options.

Shop online or in-store to learn why we have been New Jersey’s trusted name in appliances sales for over 80 years.


We are excited to announce our new partnership with Goodman Home Solutions, a leader in the home appliance repair and maintenance industry. Together we strive to enhance your home living experience with efficient, trustworthy and expert service.


Price Match? Not a problem! Shop our clearance sale or current rebates to find something that fits your budget. If you see something you like, contact us for more details. Did we mention we offer 50% off sales tax everyday!


Buy now, pay later! Our team is happy to help you find easy financing options that give you convenient monthly payments to better fit your budget. Apply Today.


Explore our extended warranty options to provide additional protection to your new products, even after the manufactures warranties have run out!

Your Dream Kitchen Starts Here

Art Handler’s Appliance boasts the largest selection of top-brand appliances in the area, making us your go-to destination for creating the kitchen of your dreams. We stay ahead of the curve with the latest appliance trends, including elegant French Door refrigerators and cutting-edge smart appliances that bring convenience and innovation to your home. Visit our Pleasantville showroom or Avalon Design Center for expert design inspiration and to speak with our friendly, knowledgeable sales professionals.

Latest from the Blog

Appliance Housekeeping Tips: Keep Your Appliances Running Smoothly

Maintaining your home appliances is essential for ensuring they operate efficiently and have a long lifespan. Regular housekeeping not only improves the performance of your appliances but also helps you avoid costly repairs. In this blog, we’ll provide comprehensive tips for taking care of various household appliances, from the kitchen to the laundry room.